The help you need at every stage of life
Our expertise
Psychological issues can emerge at any point in life, and are triggered by a huge variety of events and circumstances. Our team has a depth and breadth of experience working with people at every stage of life. They have encountered and helped with a great range of mild, acute and chronic issues.
Adulthood can be psychologically turbulent. From the complex transition of mid-life and the burden of care that often comes with it, to the reckoning we can experience as children grow up - being a grown up is tough. Often, successful, fulfilled adulthood begins and ends with a clear understanding of yourself.
We help young adults and adolescents cope with one of life’s most fraught times. We have invaluable experience in both school, university and home environments, and we understand the impact adolescent issues have on family and peers.
Happy, balance people enjoy their work more and are often better at it. We work individuals in business to address the difficulties they are experiencing at work, and develop the intrinsic resources they need to move past them, get more from their work - and bring more to it.
Schools & HE
Places of learning are fraught with pressure and competition - and we often arrive at them during adolescence or young adulthood with minds in flux. We have a real understanding of the issues many people experience at school and university and support individuals cope during this transitory time.